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A Worthy Cause

By AICC Staff

November 9, 2022

The number of donors to the Foundation for Packaging Education continues to grow. Since the last issue of BoxScore, the foundation welcomed Domtar and Freedom Corrugated to the list of companies that support independent education through the foundation.

Domtar’s generous donation will go into the general fund being built to support education programming for those already in the industry from AICC and other entities. Freedom Corrugated’s generous donation is targeted to the Steve Narva Memorial Scholarship, which is managed by the foundation. We thank these two latest foundation partners.

In addition to the Narva Memorial Scholarship, the foundation manages the J. Richard Troll Memorial Scholarship, the long-standing AICC scholarship set up in honor and remembrance of AICC’s first president. Both scholarships have been established to bring this wonderful industry to the attention of young people going into two- and four-year collegiate-level programs or technical education programs.

The Foundation for Packaging Education is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ensuring that education programming will always be available to those who are employed in paper-based packaging industries. You’re receiving this issue of BoxScore in late October. You can still make a fully tax-deductible pledge and contribution this year to the foundation.

In so doing, you’re investing in your own future. What a worthy cause!