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Additional Focus to Grow the Industry’s Labor Force

By Caitlin Salaverria

January 30, 2023


The manufacturing skills gap in the United States could result in 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030, according to a study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute. This is not news to our industry. I’ve heard growing concerns from leaders during the past few years on the challenges regarding workforce development.

And, as the newly appointed president of the International Corrugated Packaging Foundation (ICPF), I’m here to tell you I’m listening and ready to work with you to address those challenges.

ICPF has worked for the past 30 years to advance student and faculty knowledge of the corrugated packaging industry. This important task is just one of many the ICPF board has targeted for the coming years.

Cosponsored by AICC and the Fibre Box Association, the ICPF board comprises members from both organizations. They’ve worked hard this year to refocus ICPF’s mission and objectives to better align with the needs of the industry.

My role will be to strengthen the existing programs and services offered by ICPF that have served the industry well, while expanding the foundation’s work to address other critical needs.

This will include the following:

  • Creating a social media presence,
  • Building partnerships with the education community,
  • Expanding student and faculty knowledge at trade schools and community colleges,
  • Establishing relationships with local governments and apprenticeship programs, and
  • Developing marketing and communications tools to promote the many benefits of choosing a career in corrugated packaging.

I’ll also be looking to collaborate with other organizations to capitalize on their strengths and resources where it makes sense to ensure we are getting the most value for our efforts. Our industry has provided generous support and funding to ICPF over the years, and I will make sure those contributions are used in meaningful ways.

I hope to see a renewed interest in supporting the foundation, and I am always open to feedback and opportunities to connect. Please reach out—growing the industry’s labor force is a collective effort, and I’m here to contribute and aid in any way I can.


Caitlin Salaverria is president of the International Corrugated Packaging Foundation